Hello, World! Right now it is the most fun time of the day, NAPTIME! So i will take this oppurtunity to introduce you to my two monsters:
Josalyn Grace (aka. sissy-sue-a-lovey-lue)
She is little miss i-can-do-it-myself. Some might say that ALL children this age are like that, but Josalyn, she popped out like that. She didn't even like breastfeeding, and stopped cold turkey when she was three months old because she liked to hold her bottle HERSELF. When she was 8 months old she got up and started walking (literally). She is daddys girl in every sence of the word. She loves her mommy, but she just ADORES her daddy. You won't find her sitting down EVER. She even bounces around while watching television. She doesn't snuggle. She doesn't (and even as a baby didn't) let strangers hold her. She will, however, entertain ANYONE. Anyone can watch at her and she will smile and giggle but don't get to close or try and pick her up. I have to bribe her to give me kisses sometimes!
She also has asthma pretty bad. We are managing. She have been hospitalized twice with RSP this season, along with baby brother.

She is little miss i-can-do-it-myself. Some might say that ALL children this age are like that, but Josalyn, she popped out like that. She didn't even like breastfeeding, and stopped cold turkey when she was three months old because she liked to hold her bottle HERSELF. When she was 8 months old she got up and started walking (literally). She is daddys girl in every sence of the word. She loves her mommy, but she just ADORES her daddy. You won't find her sitting down EVER. She even bounces around while watching television. She doesn't snuggle. She doesn't (and even as a baby didn't) let strangers hold her. She will, however, entertain ANYONE. Anyone can watch at her and she will smile and giggle but don't get to close or try and pick her up. I have to bribe her to give me kisses sometimes!
She also has asthma pretty bad. We are managing. She have been hospitalized twice with RSP this season, along with baby brother.
And this is Jonas (aka. stinky-stu-a-bubba-boo aka. Bubbies)
He is the opposite of his sister. He loves cuddles and attention and will take it from anyone who will give it. He also has been in the hospital with RSV this season, and pneumonia. He is a lover. He had reflux when he was born, but he has since (recently) grow out of it (thank God) and has turned into a little hammy. He loves his sister (she ignores him, literally) but he gets sooo happy anytime she gets near him. He was born on 10/9/08 (he shares his daddys birthday).
Your babies are so cute! Chrisopher spent time in the hospital two with RSV. He doesn't have asthma though he has Laryngomalacia a throat condition! And acid reflux. I am so glad he is in the toddler stage. Being an infant was hard on him and me!